Gauging the Possibilities

Gauging the Possibilities by David A. Kelly
Q2 2009  : Teradata Magazine

Saving money and resources wherever and whenever possible is always sound business practice. One smart way to allocate assets is to identify projects that offer a good return on investment (ROI) without extensive up-front costs.

That’s where a business impact model (BIM) comes in.

A BIM is a key component of the business value consulting process that helps organizations create business cases around the application of specific technology and solutions. The deliverables from a Teradata BIM engagement, for example, usually include a customized business case—typically presented in slides or spreadsheets—that estimates and quantifies a solution’s potential benefits.

A BIM will identify opportunities such as increased revenues, decreased operating expenses, reduced working capital and improved profitability, as well as the ROI of a technology investment. While Teradata’s process is formalized and built on years of best practices and ongoing analysis, it’s also customized for each organization’s specific needs and statement of work.


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